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Shortage of Nurses Nationwide

A blog post cover for "Shortage of Nurses Nationwide" showing an empty hospital

Have you ever been to a hospital and noticed that the nurses are in a rush? 你正在目睹全国范围内护士短缺的情况.

Maybe you’ve 要比平时等更长的时间才能拿到药物. Or, 你是否经历过在获得所需护理方面的延误?

If so, you are not alone.

全国范围内的护士短缺问题日益严重. It is impacting 许多美国人的医疗保健质量. Experts believe that the shortage of registered nurses (RNs) will keep increasing! This shortage is leading to a huge change in the healthcare industry.

Take a break from your labs and study while we examine this key issue: demand for nurses. We’ll explore the statistics护理人员短缺的原因和影响.



美国的护士短缺不仅仅是一个问题: It’s a looming crisis. Shortages 威胁到美国人获得医疗保健的机会. ladbrokes立博中文版知道,你必须亲眼目睹才能相信. Let’s take a closer look at the statistics that show the urgent need for more nurses nationwide.

Projected Growth of RNs by Year

根据美国劳工统计局(BLS), the employment of registered nurses (RNs) is projected to grow by a whopping 6% from 2021 to 20301. That’s 比所有职业的平均水平快得多!

But…What is driving this growth?


G慢性病发病率不断上升 (like diabetes and obesity)


Here’s the thing, it’s 不仅仅是更多的人需要医疗保健的问题. The nursing workforce is aging, and many nurses are getting near retirement age.


当考虑退休和劳动力退出时, the Bureau (BLS)1 projects 203,到2031年,每年有200名注册护士空缺.

Wait…there is more!

Where are the nurses needed?

农村地区面临着更严重的护士短缺问题. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) reports that the nursing shortage is not evenly distributed across the United States2. In 2018, the HRSA estimated that the need for RNs in rural areas exceeded the availability by 1,703名全职护士. That means that people living in rural areas have less access to healthcare services and may have to travel further to get the care they need.

Rural Areas Need Nurses

新冠肺炎大流行只会让情况变得更糟. 根据美国护士协会的说法, 大流行导致许多护士提前退休, take time off, 或者干脆离开这个行业3. As a result, this has put additional 对本已捉襟见肘的护理人员造成压力.

那么,这些数字是什么意思呢? We’re 美国面临着严重且日益严重的护士短缺!

And, 这意味着美国各地都需要更多的护士. 对受过良好教育的护士的需求尤其增加. We can’t make it any more obvious: now is the time to begin your career in nursing. At Beckfield College, we provide a high standard of education and training to prepare our nursing students to take the lead in the future.

The Demand for Nurses

A. 人口结构变化和人口老龄化

An Aging Generation

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2030, 所有婴儿潮一代都将年满65岁, 这将占美国gdp的20%左右.S. population4.

Increased life expectancy

The National Center for Health Statistics reports that the average life expectancy in the 美国从68个增加.2 years in 1950 to 76.4 years in 20215.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that six in ten adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, 十分之四的人患有两种或两种以上的慢性疾病, 给医疗保健系统带来沉重负担6.

B. Expanding healthcare services.


The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights those advances in medical technology, 比如新的诊断工具和治疗方法, have contributed to increased demand for skilled healthcare professionals, including nurses7.

随着医疗技术的飞速发展, choosing the right educational institution can be a challenge for many students. At Beckfield College, we focus on equipping our students with the knowledge and hands-on training needed to navigate and adapt to ever-evolving technology in their careers.


凯撒家庭基金会估计 approximately 20 百万人口(大约是纽约的人口) gained insurance coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) between 2010 and 2021, increasing the number of individuals accessing healthcare services8.

The CDC underscores the importance of preventive care in improving overall health, ACA扩大了预防服务的覆盖范围, 导致对医疗保健提供者的需求增加, including nurses, to deliver these services9.

Affordable Care Act Impact

C. Evolving roles of nurses.


The American Nurses Association (ANA) lists over 100 nursing specialties, reflecting the growing need for specialized skills and knowledge in different areas of healthcare10.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 52% increase in the employment of nurse practitioners from 2020 to 2030, 比所有占用空间的平均速度快得多ns11

Advanced Nurses on the Rise


医学研究所的报告, 《护理的未来:引领变革, Advancing Health,” recommends that nurses should be prepared to take on leadership roles in healthcare systems and organizations to improve patient outcomes and shape healthcare policy12.

For 谋事业的个人,真真切切 question is: how the growing demand for nurses in the United States makes nursing a great choice?

Let’s 深入了解做护士的一些好处, 从工作保障到个人成就感, in a friendly and casual way.

Job security and stability

在当今难以预测的就业市场, it’s a relief to know that nursing is a profession with excellent job security. 当然,现在没有人能保证任何事情. But, the 对医疗保健服务的需求不断增加, nurses are always needed, making it one of the most stable career choices out there based on the demand. Plus, 在不同环境下工作的灵活性, 从医院到私人诊所, ensuring that you’ll never run out of options.


One of the most exciting aspects of nursing is the sheer variety of career paths and specializations you can explore.

你对照顾新生儿感兴趣吗? 你可能会成为一名新生儿护士. Perhaps you 有帮助心脏病患者的热情? 心脏护理可能是你的职业. 拥有100多个护理专业, you’re 一定要找到最适合你的兴趣和技能.

Specializing in Nursing

Personal fulfillment and making a difference in people’s lives

If you’re looking for a career that allows you to make a real impact on others, 护理无疑是最有价值的选择之一. As a nurse, you’ll have the opportunity to provide compassionate care, offer emotional support, and educate patients and their families. The connections you’ll forge and the lives you’ll touch will bring a profound sense of satisfaction and purpose to your work.


While it’s essential to choose a career that aligns with your passions, it doesn’t hurt to know that nursing also offers competitive salaries and benefits. Depending on your experience, education, and location, 在这个热门领域,你可以享受一份舒适的收入. Plus, 许多医疗保健雇主提供极好的福利待遇, including health insurance, retirement plans, 甚至还有继续教育的学费报销.

Many people explore their career options to make sure they have all their questions answered before making any decision. When it comes to nursing career, based on everything above… you’ve got a winning choice.

If you still have an unanswered question let us answer these questions for you, contact us now.

The nursing shortage in the USA is a critical problem that affects patients, healthcare workers, and the healthcare system. 你可以从两个方面来看待护士短缺 a crisis 或者作为一个投资你事业的机会. 护理业一般的护理事业或保健业 need human beings. 科技和人工智能的崛起将需要 a long time to begin providing substitution. The increasing demand for nurses today could be a blessing for your future if you made the right choice.

Specialties of Nursing

  1. /哦/医疗/注册护士.htm#tab-6
  5. /卫生/ fastats /人均预期寿命.htm
  6. / chronicdisease /关于/预防保健/索引.html
  9. /报道/ preventive-care-benefits /

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  6. / chronicdisease /关于/预防保健/索引.html []
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  9. /报道/ preventive-care-benefits / []
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